Top Tips for Potty Success by Allison Jandu, Owner & Founder of Potty TrainingConsultant
Having worked with thousands of families to achieve diaper freedom, no one knows better than me how intimidating entering the potty training phase can be! Here are my top potty training tips that will help you and your child through this monumental milestone:
1. Planting the seed – Starting at least two weeks before you are ready to ditch the diapers, you can begin to prepare your kiddo mentally, physically, and emotionally for the potty training process. Some fun ways to do that are:
- Reading potty books
- Watching potty videos
- Playing “potty” with their favorite toys and dolls
- Modeling potty behaviors yourself
- Practice individual steps of using the potty in fun, low pressure ways
- If your child struggles with dressing/undressing themselves, be sure you check out Anyways clothing to make that process even easier!
2. Commitment – Choosing the right time to begin potty training and sticking to it is very important for your child and their success with potty training!
- Don’t start potty training when there are other major changes happening in your child’s life. It’s best to not throw too much at them at one time.
- Kids thrive on routines and schedules. If they know what to expect when it comes to potty training, they’ll feel much more comfortable with the changes that come along with it!
- Once you begin, be prepared to stay consistent! Try to avoid switching back and forth between diapers and underwear to avoid sending mixed signals.
- Be sure you inform your child’s other caregivers in advance so everyone can stay on the same page in all environments.
3. Allow individuality - Promote potty independence from the start!
- It’s important to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all way to potty train. This journey will be as unique as your child themselves!
- To encourage self-initiation, watch for your kiddo’s physical signs and cues instead of taking them to the potty at set time intervals. This will help them learn to listen to their body all by themselves!
- Use Anyways children clothing to promote independence and confidence throughout the potty training process by allowing your child to dress/undress themselves!
- Offer choices. An option like, “Would you like to go potty upstairs or downstairs?” can help your child to feel more in control of the process.
4. Get back out there - Don’t be held hostage during the potty training process!
- I always encourage families to venture out and about to give diaper-free practice outside the home, as well as keeping everyone’s morale up! The more quickly you jump back into your normal everyday routine, the more comfortable your child will be with the changes associated with potty training!
Above all, believe in your child and believe in yourself (I know I do!)! Potty training doesn’t have to be scary and overwhelming. Finding ways to make potty training positive and fun can help the process go smoothly for both of you as you reach this new achievement together!
Happy Pottying!
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